torsdag 26. april 2012


Careful, nervous, superstitious, brave
Son of Native Americans, friend of Leon
Who likes arrowheads, friends and good stories
Who feels fear, pressure and relief
Who needs safety, knowledge and understanding
Who fears the cop, spirits and things he doesn’t understand
Who gives support, caring and advice
Who wishes to see the outside world, things he haven’t seen before and things he miss
Acoma Indian Reservation

søndag 1. april 2012

30 Rock – Questions & Answears

A)     Why do you think I made you watch this episode?
Because it gives a good picture of what racism is in the USA. The fear of terrorists have become extreme since 9/11, and in this episode we get an idea of how the government encourages racism against people from the middle-east through anti-terrorists campaigns, and through telling people to call and report people if they have the slightest suspicion, even if they’re just suspicious because people has a darker skin color.
B)      Is using humour a good way to approach sensitive topics?
It depends on how you present the topic. If you communicate it in a respectful way, I don’t think it’s humour is a bad way to present a sensitive topic, and also humour reaches out to a larger number of people, and it’s easier to get more attention around a case. As long as it’s not making the sensitive topic seem ridiculous, for example by just making jokes out of it.  In this episode they create humour around the topic, and it’s funny but at the same time not very offensive, and that’s a good way to use humour to approach a sensitive topic.