torsdag 26. april 2012


Careful, nervous, superstitious, brave
Son of Native Americans, friend of Leon
Who likes arrowheads, friends and good stories
Who feels fear, pressure and relief
Who needs safety, knowledge and understanding
Who fears the cop, spirits and things he doesn’t understand
Who gives support, caring and advice
Who wishes to see the outside world, things he haven’t seen before and things he miss
Acoma Indian Reservation

søndag 1. april 2012

30 Rock – Questions & Answears

A)     Why do you think I made you watch this episode?
Because it gives a good picture of what racism is in the USA. The fear of terrorists have become extreme since 9/11, and in this episode we get an idea of how the government encourages racism against people from the middle-east through anti-terrorists campaigns, and through telling people to call and report people if they have the slightest suspicion, even if they’re just suspicious because people has a darker skin color.
B)      Is using humour a good way to approach sensitive topics?
It depends on how you present the topic. If you communicate it in a respectful way, I don’t think it’s humour is a bad way to present a sensitive topic, and also humour reaches out to a larger number of people, and it’s easier to get more attention around a case. As long as it’s not making the sensitive topic seem ridiculous, for example by just making jokes out of it.  In this episode they create humour around the topic, and it’s funny but at the same time not very offensive, and that’s a good way to use humour to approach a sensitive topic. 

onsdag 7. mars 2012

Nynorske Novelleøvinger

«OPPGAVE A: Skriv et blogginnlegg der du forstørrer ett av følgende to øyeblikk:
Øyeblikk 1: Du sitter på bussen på veg heim fra skolen en ettermiddag. Du er trøtt etter en slitsom dag på skolen, og du ønsker at det skal være stille rundt deg. Men så kommer to eldre damer på, og setter seg på setene rett bak deg. De er av den meget pratsomme sorten.»

Eg lente hovudet mot vindauget og hadde nesten duppa av da to eldre damer i midten av femtiåra kom på bussen, og som dei skravla! Kjeften gikk opp og att i eitt på ho eine, mens ho andre berre lo og lo, og eg kjende eg blei sliten berre av å høyre på. No sat dei seg ned på seta rett bak der eg sat, og fortsette å snakke og skravle i kjeften på kvarandre og viss ein lukka auga og prøvde å sove var det nesten som to kråker kraka og gneldra. Eg prøvde å lukke ørane mine men skravlinga nådde framleis inn, ei susande gneldring i bakhovudet mitt, og etter kvart innsåg eg at eg berre kunne gløyme å sove på bussturen her så eg sat meg opp for å høyre på musikk i staden, skrudde på fullt volum og endeleg klarte eg å stenge alt gnelderet ute.

«OPPGAVE B: Skriv et blogginnlegg der du ”viser” en av følgende tre ”fortellinger”:
a) Mikal er svært interessert i musikk.
b) Jeg sitter ute på en holme. Det blåser kraftig, og jeg er svært redd.
c) Pizzaen smakte godt.»

Bølgjene trefte skjæra under meg med slik kraft at eg nesten var redd heile holmen skulle rase ut i havet. Vinden og havsprøyten slå meg hardt i andletet, og blåste gjennom alt eg hadde på av tøy heilt til eg var iskald inn til beinet. Eg hadde prøvd å beskytte meg frå vinden med å leggje meg ned bak ein stein og leggje den tynne vindjakka over hovudet, men det hjelpte lite. Med jamne mellomrom reiste eg meg nok til at eg kunne sjå over steinen, og der låg den vesle jolla mi og dyppa uti vatnet, så lita og forsvarslaus, for ho var berre laga av tre og det var bare eit spørsmål om tid før ho blei knust til ved av dei svære bølgjene som heile tida slo mot skjæra. Eg angra som ein hund på at eg hadde dratt ut i båten utan å sjekke vêrmeldinga, men det var lite eg kunne gjere no, og det var ikkje snakk om å gå ned til båten igjen, det var vel betre å berre liggje her og enten håpe på å bli funnet eller håpe på at uveret ga seg.

«OPPGAVE D: Husker du Hemingways seksordsnovelle ”For sale: Baby shoes, never worn”? Skriv to ulike åpninger på historien om dette: én hvor du bruker en presenterende start, og én hvor du bruker ”in medias res”.»

 «Dei hadde lengje gleda seg til barnet deira skulle komme og no, berre to veker til termin, var alt klart til at ein liten baby skulle flytte inn i den vesle leilegheita. På badet sto eit stellebord, dei hadde skapet fullt av babytøy og bleier, og på soverommet sto ei bitte lita voggeseng med gult og kvitt sengetøy og eit par små, lyserosa babysko ved sengekanten.»
«Plutseleg skreik ho ut i smerte, og krøka seg saman til ein ball der ho satt i ein av stolane på kjøkkenet. Da mannen hennar kom inn og fant henne rann det tårar nedover kinna hennar, og ho satt krøka og heldt ei hand hardt rundt den store kulen på magen, og den handa heldt ho under skjørtet og når ho tok den opp var ho full av blod.»

Tasks to the article "Last Words"

·         Which of these last words made most of an impression on you? Why? What do you think this person was feeling at that moment?
·         “I deserve this.” The person sentenced to death admits and regrets what he did, he is sorry and he acknowledges that he deserves to die to. He regrets what he did so much that he actually wants to take the death penalty, and In some way make up for what he did.

·         Death penalty – pros and cons. Make a list. Are you for or against the death penalty, personally? Explain.
·         Pros:
-         “An eye for an eye”: The murderer is killed to make up for what he did, so maybe the family feel like the murder has been justified in some sort of way.
-         The government don’t have to use any resources to keep the sentenced people in prison for a lifetime.
-         Some people might actually think it’s better to die than to take a life sentence.
·         Cons:
-         It creates more victims, because the families of the death sentenced also lose a family member, it’s unnecessary to hurt more people than those who are already hurt.
-         It’s too easy to kill innocent persons, and a lot of juries are prejudiced, especially against black people. If they find out that people are innocent after they are killed, it’s too late to change their sentence.
-         Some people claim that it actually cost more to give a death sentence than a life sentence, because of all the extra rounds in the court that often follows a death sentence.

·         Read this article: Answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

  1. What is another word (synonym) used in the text for the death penalty? Capital punishment
  2. How many states in the US have a law permitting the death penalty and what percentage of the total number of US states does this represent? 35 states allow the death penalty, half of them practice it.
  3. Which method is used as the primary form of execution? Lethal injection.
  4. What are some of the arguments mentioned that support capital punishment? They don’t have to use resources to keep them in jail for years, and the families of the victims get their justice.
  5. What are the arguments expressing opposition? There are a lot of prejudiced courts, especially prejudice of black people, and innocent people might get killed. It also cost more to give someone a death sentence than a life sentence.
  6. Why are many of the prisoners on death row black? Because there are a lot more prejudice against black people, for many people it’s easier to believe that a black man is a murderer than a white man. 

mandag 13. februar 2012

What I love about dancing

To be honest, I don’t really care much about sports. Of course I always support Norway in big sport arrangements such as OL, or the World Championship. And of course I am just as proud as the rest of Norway when Petter Northug flies ahead of his competitors, but other than that, I do not really care much about sports at all. I played football for 6 months in 7th grade, but I don’t really understand why because I spent every match either on the bench, or out on the field trying NOT to hide from the ball as much as possible. It’s not like I hate sports either, I just never got really good at it or interested in any kind of sports at all, except from running and working out in a studio I guess.

But even though I’m not a sports person, I have always loved dancing, and I would characterize that as a sport as well. I have been taking balletlessons since I was 4 years old, until very recently when I injuried my knee and I had to quite. I still love ballet though, and hope that maybe one day, if I get an operation, maybe I can come back and start dancing again.

Even though it doesn’t involve running after a ball for hours, you still have to be incredibly strong and skilled to perform it, and to become a professional takes years of hard practice, and a lot of sweat and tears. I love ballet so much, first of all because of the great feeling it is to dance, and because of how beautiful it is to watch people perform it. I also like that it’s not about the competition, it’s not about being the best or winning the championship; It’s about performing something beautiful and artistical, about creating something unique and special and to perform it and make it mean something to the people who are watching. 

The curious incident of the dog in the night time

"What things does Christopher hate and why?"

Christopher dislikes a lot of things, such as being touched, having different foods touching each other at the plate, lies, and when things do not go exactly as planned.

The one thing he hates that is repeated most in the book however, is the color yellow. He believes if he counts four yellow cars in a row on his way to school, it’s a black day, and that means that it Is a really bad day and he can’t do anything or take any chances. This is not rational thinking, but in Christopher head it makes sense because he needs certain specific rules in his life to keep him calm.
Here’s a paragraph from chapter 131 p 105, where Christopher explains some of the reasons for why he hate yellow so much.

4. Yellow Fever (which is a disease from tropical America and West Africa which causes a high fever, acute nephritis, jaundice and haemorrhages, and it is caused by a virus transmittedby the bite of a mosquito called Aëdes aegypti which used to be called Stegomyia fasciata; and nephritis is inflammationof the kidneys)

5. Yellow flowers (because I get hay fever from flower pollen, which is one of the three sorts of hay fever, and the others are from grass pollen and fungus pollen, and it makes me feel ill)
6. Sweetcorn (because it comes out in your poo and you don’t digest it so you are not really meant to eat it, like grass or leaves)”

Christopher always look for the logic in things, and he needs things to be in a certain order so that he feels in control of what is going on, and he knows what is going to happen. The background for most of the things that he hates, which are listed above, is that they are disturbing the perfect order in all things around him that he needs to keep him calm. Things has to be planned, he needs to know what is going to happen.

 I think his urge to understand things and know how things work is somehow his brains way to compensate for the lack of social skills, ability to feel empathy and read peoples feelings and facial expressions, apart from being one of symptoms of his autism.